Posts by admin

Ibogaine structure with elderly couple

Ibogaine and Parkinson’s Disease

Ibogaine and Parkinson’s Disease After Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease and is currently not curable. The disease manifests itself by[…]

Colorful brain scan image

lbogaine: a polydrug- effective addiction interrupter Why Vermont should include Ibogaine in its opioid addiction treatment strategy presentation prepared by Vermonters for Ibogaine

  Ibogaine: a polydrug- effective addiction interrupter Why Vermont should include Ibogaine in its opioid addiction treatment strategy presentation prepared by Vermonters for lbogaine Research[…]

Brain with Puzzle Piece Missing

Could Ibogaine Be A Promising New Treatment For Parkinson’s Disease?

  A research team at Columbia University soon hopes to show whether or not ibogaine, an extract of iboga — a psychoactive West-African plant medicine[…]

Silhouette with neural connections

Blackberry (Morus nigra) usage in Parkinson’s disease

Blackberry (Morus nigra) usage in Parkinson’s disease Yasir Hasan Siddique, … Falaq Naz, in Treatments, Nutraceuticals, Supplements, and Herbal Medicine in Neurological Disorders, 2023 Other components of interest In[…]

Older man with white mustache

Dana Beal

  Dana Beal, Yippie! heir to Wm. Burroughs & Allen Ginsberg who re-initiated ibogaine development with Howard Lotsof in the early ’80’s, is the principal  champion[…]