Posts from January 2, 2025

Colorful brain scan image

lbogaine: a polydrug- effective addiction interrupter Why Vermont should include Ibogaine in its opioid addiction treatment strategy presentation prepared by Vermonters for Ibogaine

  Ibogaine: a polydrug- effective addiction interrupter Why Vermont should include Ibogaine in its opioid addiction treatment strategy presentation prepared by Vermonters for lbogaine Research[…]

Brain with Puzzle Piece Missing

Could Ibogaine Be A Promising New Treatment For Parkinson’s Disease?

  A research team at Columbia University soon hopes to show whether or not ibogaine, an extract of iboga — a psychoactive West-African plant medicine[…]

Silhouette with neural connections

Blackberry (Morus nigra) usage in Parkinson’s disease

Blackberry (Morus nigra) usage in Parkinson’s disease Yasir Hasan Siddique, … Falaq Naz, in Treatments, Nutraceuticals, Supplements, and Herbal Medicine in Neurological Disorders, 2023 Other components of interest In[…]

Older man with white mustache

Dana Beal

  Dana Beal, Yippie! heir to Wm. Burroughs & Allen Ginsberg who re-initiated ibogaine development with Howard Lotsof in the early ’80’s, is the principal  champion[…]